on Friday, July 29

there's some kind of magic in just existing, you know? for most of us, existence is a succession of moments laregely planned and mundane, but still, the everyday and ordinary ins and outs of any joe or jane's get-by will likely always fascinate me more than a grand occasion. yes, we need those big things to look forward to, but i know a lot of the beauty of the present is overlooked in the pursuit of something more than what we have at reach. spontaneity and those colorful times in our lives are of course appreciated in their time, but somehow i think i'm happiest when being a bore - and when you're boring, too.

i've taken this entire month to think and to see and, well, not much else. i recommend this. i also recommend jug bands, dorothy parker, afternoon naps and apricots.

being a girl who tends to avoid most physical activity and prolonged sun exposure, my seasonal enjoyment has lately been found primarily in food, which i suppose is nothing new. summertime to me means leisurely long days and an abundance of stone fruits. if only for these, i hope it decides to stick around a while.  

there are so many abandoned ideas and projects i plan on revisiting in what's left of the year, along with more new prospects than i had prepared for. i'm ready to incorporate biting off more than i can chew into my daily routine.

take the time to stay boring, okay? 


Mmm I love fresh greens beans in my salad too. so yummy! Beautiful photographs!

by Anonymous on July 30, 2011 at 6:34 AM. #

This sounds like my summer! reading inside... with food! noms =) I love your blog (& shop) and I wrote a post about your store a couple days ago & thought you'd like to know =)


<3 Sarah

by Sarah Dee on July 30, 2011 at 7:46 AM. #

oh my goodness, i didn't even see it before! thank you so much for the lovely feature, sarah. i am so very flattered! oxox

by cassiopeia* on August 8, 2011 at 10:45 AM. #

You look like a doll in the last picture. beautiful blog!

by Romeika on September 7, 2011 at 3:05 PM. #

What perfect pictures!! Your blog is so so pretty!

My giveaway is up and running:
Win the Vintage Dress of Your Choice! (open to everyone)

x Aliya

by Aliya on September 28, 2011 at 9:13 AM. #

✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩